Category: Hotel

Pros & Cons: Hotel FortySeven Rome

Choosing a hotel when traveling can be a daunting task, especially when traveling to a big city with an overwhelming…

Pros & Cons: Villa Las Tronas – Alghero, Sardinia

We are truly torn on our opinion of this hotel.  While there were parts that were fantastic, there were also things…

Dear Florence, We Underestimated You!

"No matter where or why you travel there's always something wonderfully new to be found." Dear Florence, Wow, we underestimated…

A Castle: The Perfect Tuscan Accommodation

"Once upon a time, in a land far away....." It's been on our bucket list to stay in a castle…

Our First and Last Sandal’s Visit

"You can fool all the people, all the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough"…